Sorry about the lack of posting, my life has been busy (so has Vee's, and Luna seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth) but to make up for it i am going to give you some wonderful information. JKR has sent us all on a wild goose chase!
Basically what you had to do is go on 10 different HP fansites (she didn’t specify but most sites will give you at least one other site participating) and find their post giving you coordinates. Then type in the coordinates on and zoom in all the way. You should find a letter and a fact explaining why those coordinates relate to the HP series.
Once you have found all 10 letters, unscramble them so they form the first part of a web address. Add “.com” to the end, type the whole thing into your web browser and you will be taken to possibly the most important site you will see in your entire life
Now since I’m a nice person and because HPANA has already figured it out im giving you the site (also, all you’ll get for now is a “coming soon” so it doesn’t matter
Ps. I did figure this out before HPANA did, which is really quite impressive considering how all the sites that had coordinates were crashing ( took an hour to load once it finally stopped crashing )
Ps. I did figure this out before HPANA did, which is really quite impressive considering how all the sites that had coordinates were crashing ( took an hour to load once it finally stopped crashing )