I don’t have time to write anything interesting myself (I’m studying for my end of year exams and if I don’t pass I wont be able to go to Hogwarts next year) so I thought I’d just post a few websites that you can read instead. Most are HP related or my reason for posting it is.
This one is a bit obvious but the Leaky Cauldron is very reliable and anyone who hasn’t been on it before needs to get on ASAP!
This website isn’t related to Harry Potter but the page on the site that I linked to is. The site is Oshkosh Museum’s website and the page is for their month long celebration of all things Potter!
This one is also non-HP (it is a writing site) but there is quite and HP community. I’m on Figment as Lily Evans Potter and many of my friends and foes are on there too. Also, it has some of the best HP fanfiction I have ever read (Those Green Eyes by Summer Sellers is my favorite, and NOT because it is about me! It is actually quite inaccurate ((I’ve never played truth or dare with James)) but very well written)
A Very short “prequel” to the HP series. JKR wrote it for fun after hearing that people suspected her of planning to write a prequel to the series. I think it is pretty good and wish I could read more.
Another news source for the HP world. I’m subscribed to quite a few though I’m not posting all of them today
If you don’t mind reading in spanish (I think thats what it is but google translate translates it into English for me so I’m not sure) this site is a good one
This site collects HP news from around the web and posts it on one site. The links to the sites they get it from are there so you can always read more
Hope you like the sites!
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